Frequently Asked Questions

When and how was St’át’imc Eco-Resources (SER) formed?

In 2014, for the purpose of entering into business agreements that will stimulate the economy for the St’át’imc Nation.

SER comprises 9 of the 11 St’át’imc communities, including Xwisten, Xa’xtsa, N’Quatqua, Samahquam, Tsal’alh, Skatin, T’it’q’et, Ts’kw’aylaxw, Xaxli’p Indian Band.

St’át’imc Eco-Resources Ltd. is 100% St’át’imc Owned Business, by the 9 shareholder communities.

Visit our contact page. When available, job postings will be listed there.

Contact us directly to discuss how to become a partner.

SER is committed to business excellence, while also creating St’át’imc opportunities for wealth, self-sufficiency and capacity development, and adhering to Nxekmenlhkálha lti Tmícwa and St’át’imc values.